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Die Suche erzielte 2 Treffer.

Reden in Rom 1933/1934 Beitrag

Gerhart Hauptmann und Rudolf Borchardt im Schnittpunkt von Kulturaustausch und Politik. Mit einer Briefdokumentation

Peter Sprengel

Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, Jahrgang 68 (2018), Ausgabe 4, Seite 405 - 427

The Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici in Rome, personally inaugurated by Mussolini in 1932, organized a varied lecture program conducted by its director Giuseppe Gabetti, which was opened by Rudolf Borchardt in March 1933. The Nazi press office in Rome immediately protested against the appearance of the author of Jewish origin. Gerhart Hauptmann, who was also courted by Gabetti, cancelled his reading in the Villa Sciarra at short notice and – due to the lack of approval by the Nazi regime – did the same in October 1934 at the International Theatre Conference of the Fondazione Alessandro Volta, which nevertheless published his lecture ‚Das Drama im geistigen Leben der Völker‘ in the conference documents.

Brennende Masken der Brüder Mann Beitrag

Georg Heyms ‚Der Dieb‘ und die Novellistik

Peter Sprengel

Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, Jahrgang 65 (2015), Ausgabe 2, Seite 227 - 231

Georg Heym’s short novel ‘The Thief’ and Thomas Mann’s novella ‘Gladius Dei’ have several traits in common, as both revert to Savonarola’s Florentine iconoclasm. Heinrich Mann’s short novel ‘Pippo Spano’ however may well have served as a direct model for Heym, because here art is questioned generally as opposed to the incarnation of life represented by a woman, but particularly due to a recurring motif: the masklike dressing of a face with a piece of art (manuscript or painting) which is burned subsequently.

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