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Miniature Worlds and the Question of Knowledge

Epistemological Aspects of the Implied Worldview of Microfiction

Johannes Wally

Seiten 185 - 206

Microfictional texts provide readers with a very limited amount of textual data. This might well result in a disorienting reading experience. This article attempts to tackle the hermeneutic problems connected to microfiction. Taking the view that literary texts imply worldviews as its basis, it argues that at the core of microfiction, there lies a profound epistemological concern: what can be known and how do we know whatever is known? The article suggests that an attempt at (re-) constructing the implied worldview of a piece of microfiction should begin with an analysis of how this epistemological concern manifests itself in the text in question. For this purpose, an analytical toolkit is developed and applied to three examples of microfiction.


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