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Fiktionen und Narrative der Brexit-Krise:

Das Gattungsspektrum des Brexit-Romans, medialer ‚Bullshit‘ und der ‚Patient‘ Grosbritannien

Christine Schwanecke

Seiten 315 - 336

Abstract: The present article examines narratives and fictions of the Brexit crisis. It is based on the assumption that Brexit is not only a political and cultural phenomenon, but also a narratological one; it needs to be studied accordingly. In British politics and media, the framing of Brexit as ‘crisis’ is ubiquitous. As they (explicitly and implicitly) tend to characterise Britain as ‘an ill patient at a critical point in life’, politicians, journalists, and other parties happen to emplot political situations and historical events in narrative ways, thus generating ‘fictions of Brexit’. These fictions are powerful ones, both in real life and literature, which is why I will inquire into the forms and functions of both. The real-life fictions and narratives of the Brexit crisis are, firstly, studied against the backdrop of a ‘narratology and metaphorology of crisis’ as well as a philosophically framed concept of ‘bullshit’. Secondly, they are compared to literary fictions of Brexit: To illustrate and characterise the vast generic spectrum of works that study, discuss, problematise, counter, and differentiate the Brexit crisis, I will analyse three exemplary Brexit novels, which are critically acclaimed, and examine their formal and functional relations to real-life fictions of the crisis.


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