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Die schleichende Dystopie unserer Gegenwart:

Krise als Latenzphanomen in Sibylle Bergs ‚GRM. Brainfuck‘

Anne Fuchs

Seiten 397 - 412

Abstract: This article explores how Berg’s novel ‚GRM. Brainfuck‘ challenges conventional crises management and crises emplotment in response to the advancement of AI. Set in a post-democratic Britain, Berg’s novel exposes the latency of the crisis of democracy in the digital surveillance state. Because Berg’s protagonists inhabit an atrophied presence which is divorced from an open future, they can no longer imagine a better world. The flipside of this is the loss of any crisis consciousness. The narratological analysis of ‚mise en abyme‘ and of omniscient narration complements the thematic exploration. I argue that even though Berg’s story is dystopian, her apocalyptic tirade opens up a utopian horizon by performatively enacting resistance against the latency of crises.


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