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Das Ensemble aus Dandy und Dilettant

Über die Wechselwirkung von Dandyismus und Dilettantismus im ‚Andreas von Balthesser‘ von Richard von Schaukal

Wonseok Chung

Seiten 171 - 184

This article examines the dynamics between dandyism and dilettantism in Richard von Schaukal’s ‘Leben und Meinungen des Herrn Andreas von Balthesser’. To the dandy-dilettante portrayed in this book, the process of enjoyment is more important than the fulfilment of an artistic programme. Schaukal designates the process of his translation of Barbey d’Aurevilly’s study on George Brumell as ‘dilettantish’ due to his own “ability to enjoy” it as such. His reflections on the universal insufficiency of languages correspond with his emphasis on intrinsic expressions and intensive subjectivity. By synthesizing dandyism and dilettantism, Schaukal opposes the artificiality of the intellectualised mind, and rather places an emphasis on refined naturality. Correspondingly, he argues that art must be true, natural, and based on experience. By doing this, Schaukal distinguishes his dandyism from its Western lineage.


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