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‚Les cinq cents millions de la Bégum‘ und ‚Die Liebe des Ulanen‘

Deutsch-französische Fremd- und Selbstbilder bei Jules Verne und Karl May

Hartmut Nonnenmacher

Pages 31 - 51

Jules Verne (1828–1905) and Karl May (1842–1912) were major exponents of youth and popular literature in France and Germany respectively. In a comparative approach, my essay focuses on two narrative texts, published by these authors in the aftermath of the Franco-German War of 1870/71: In his novel ‚Les 500 millions de la Bégum‘ (1879) Verne contrasts the utopic town France-Ville, founded by a philanthropic French hygienst, with the dystopic town Stahlstadt, founded by a racist German chemist. On the other hand, in his serialized historic novel ‚Die Liebe des Ulanen‘ (1883–85), Karl May contrasts three generations of a German family with an antagonist French family during decisive moments of the Franco-German history of conflicts in the 19th century, such as the ones of 1814 and 1870/71. My focus lies on the use both authors make of national stereotypes and on their contribution to the construction and diffusion of national imaginaries in France and Germany.


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