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Recent Developments in Transgeneric Narratology

Applications to Poetry and Drama

Peter Hühn

Seiten 31 - 46

The transgeneric applicability of narratology rests on the premise that narration – the presentation of a series of happenings with significant changes of state – is a universal communicative device centrally and diversely employed, also within analyses of the genres of poetry and drama. Both poetry (understood in the narrow sense of lyric poems) and drama (defined as plays enacted on stage) use narrative structures not only for the overall organization of the text or play, typically as mental processes in poems and sequences of dialogue and action in dramatic performances, but also variously on lower levels inside these processes or sequences. The article orders and reviews a wide spectrum of transgeneric approaches according to respective narratological categories and dimensions: mediation, sequentiality, eventfulness and poetic form in poetry, mode of narrativity and problem of voice or narrating instance in drama.


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